Waiting for the eclipse

14 November 2012, Trinity Beach, Far North Queensland, approx. 06:00 – 06:45. Scattered clouds blocked clear views of the eclipse as it proceeded (other than brief glimpses), but provided dramatic effects looking east toward the rising sun.

Eclipse proceeds behind clouds

Eclipse proceeds behind clouds

Total solar eclipse

14 November 2012. Trinity Beach, Far North Queensland, Australia. Approximately 06:35 – 06:55 local time. The clouds parted briefly just at totality, then a few more times. I didn’t have the right filters to do a proper job of photographing the eclipse, but I was more interested in experiencing it.

Almost totality:
Almost totality


Just past totality:
Just past totality

Red sand hills near Cameron Corner, South Australia

July 5, 2010. Somewhere west of Cameron Corner, South Australia, before joining the Strzlecki Track. After all the rain, the desert was blooming, and flowers as well as leaves appeared in many shades of green. On our previous trip through this country, little vegetation was visible; it then looked like a stereotypical parched, dry desert. Not this time!

More photos from the area.
Commentary on trip.

Sand hill west of Cameron Corner

Sand hill west of Cameron Corner

Many shades of green

Crocodile in search of a meal

Tuesday, 19 August 2003. We flew into Mt Borradaile in western Arnhem Land, the largest Aboriginal reserve in Australia. Access is normally by twin-engine plane from Darwin or Kakadu. Visitor numbers are strictly limited and by permit only, arranged prior to arrival with the Aboriginal custodians.

While at Mt Borradaile, we visited sites with stunning rock paintings (the subject of a forthcoming post). To get there, we were taken on a flat-bottom boat through extensive wetlands teeming with birdlife, saltwater crocodiles, and other creatures.

Here a 3-metre crocodile moves leisurely away from the boat, seeking peace and, probably, a meal. Given the huge flocks of birds in the swamp (second photo), the croc doesn’t need to work very hard to keep well fed.

A write-up on this part of our 2003 trip is here.

Saltwater crocodile

Flock of birds

Tranquil Bay, East Kimberley

Tranquil Bay, East Kimberley

11 July 2006. Tranquil Bay, our last chance to commune with the ancient rocks of the Kimberley. This spot has some of the very oldest rock. This stunning landscape really must be experienced to be appreciated!

Kimberley moon

Kimberley moon

10 July 2006. One of my favourite sights: a full moon rising over a Kimberley sunset.

Aboriginal rock paintings, Bigge Island

Aboriginal rock paintings, Bigge Island

10 July 2006. On Bigge Island, we visited two areas with Aboriginal rock paintings. At this spot, one required crawling and shuffling along on our backs. Here we saw some of the so-called Bradshaw paintings. Both locations had some of the best preserved paintings that I have seen (many spots on the mainland are more exposed and the paintings have deteriorated more).

A saltwater crocodile slept here

Crocodile slide

10 July 2006. Sterna Island is the breeding ground for a zillion terns of several species: Roseate, Crested and Lesser Crested. At least one crocodile lives here, as evidenced by a mark where it rested on shore and then slid into the sea. All the birds must provide an everlasting banquet for the croc!

Turtle tracks, Bigge Island, Kimberley coast

Turtle tracks, Bigge Island

10 July 2006. Wiyuru (Bigge Island), tracks of a large turtle that had come ashore to lay eggs. We were very careful to avoid the next area at the top of the tracks.

Sunrise, Kimberley coast

Sunrise, Kimberley coast

10 July 2006. Kimberley sunrise, the colours enhanced by smoke haze in the air from the lingering bushfires on the mainland.